justice – Redeeming Grace Bible Church https://redeeminggracechurch.ca Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:30:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-Redeeming-Grace-Bible-Church-cl-1-32x32.png justice – Redeeming Grace Bible Church https://redeeminggracechurch.ca 32 32 A ministry of Redeeming Grace Bible Church. Sermon's, interviews and more! Aaron Hale false episodic Aaron Hale © Redeeming Grace Studios 2023 © Redeeming Grace Studios 2023 podcast Seeking to Know Christ and Make Him Known! TV-G Alberta Canada Alberta Canada Weekly Appealing to the judge https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2024/03/18/appealing-to-the-judge/ https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2024/03/18/appealing-to-the-judge/#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:30:50 +0000 https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/?p=782 In this sermon we look at 1 Samuel 24 where David has an opportunity to avenge himself against Saul, who has been hunting him, and yet David entrusts himself to the Judge of all the earth and extends mercy to undeserving Saul. We see how seeing God as judge over all should effect the way that we live out our Christian faith.

https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2024/03/18/appealing-to-the-judge/feed/ 0 In this sermon we look at 1 Samuel 24 where David has an opportunity to avenge himself against Saul, who has been hunting him, and yet David entrusts himself to the Judge of all the earth and extends mercy to undeserving Saul. In this sermon we look at 1 Samuel 24 where David has an opportunity to avenge himself against Saul, who has been hunting him, and yet David entrusts himself to the Judge of all the earth and extends mercy to undeserving Saul. We see how seeing God as judge over all should effect the way that we live out our Christian faith. Aaron Hale full false 52:10