Word of God – Redeeming Grace Bible Church https://redeeminggracechurch.ca Mon, 02 Oct 2023 20:12:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-Redeeming-Grace-Bible-Church-cl-1-32x32.png Word of God – Redeeming Grace Bible Church https://redeeminggracechurch.ca 32 32 A ministry of Redeeming Grace Bible Church. Sermon's, interviews and more! Aaron Hale false episodic Aaron Hale © Redeeming Grace Studios 2023 © Redeeming Grace Studios 2023 podcast Seeking to Know Christ and Make Him Known! TV-G Alberta Canada Alberta Canada Weekly God is Mighty to Save! https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2023/10/02/god-is-mighty-to-save/ https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2023/10/02/god-is-mighty-to-save/#respond Mon, 02 Oct 2023 15:24:15 +0000 https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/?p=552 We come to 1 Samuel 14 were God raises up Jonathan to deliver Israel from a crushing defeat at the hand of Philistia. We see how Jonathan’s understanding of who God is compels him forward to action and dependence. As a result the nation is saved and people’s eye turned again to the Lord.

https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2023/10/02/god-is-mighty-to-save/feed/ 0 We come to 1 Samuel 14 were God raises up Jonathan to deliver Israel from a crushing defeat at the hand of Philistia. We see how Jonathan's understanding of who God is compels him forward to action and dependence. We come to 1 Samuel 14 were God raises up Jonathan to deliver Israel from a crushing defeat at the hand of Philistia. We see how Jonathan's understanding of who God is compels him forward to action and dependence. As a result the nation is saved and people's eye turned again to the Lord. Aaron Hale 10 10 20 20 God is Mighty to Save! full false 49:44
Pitfalls of Compromise (1 samuel 13) https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2023/09/25/pitfalls-of-compromise-1-samuel-13/ https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2023/09/25/pitfalls-of-compromise-1-samuel-13/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:12:43 +0000 https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/?p=544 In 1 Samuel 13 we see things coming apart for Saul as soon as his role as king gets started. With threats all around and an ill equipped army, Saul decides to act contrary to God’s instruction to him through Samuel and as a result is warned that his throne will be removed! We too can learn from the pitfalls of Saul and see God’s goodness despite his failure.

https://redeeminggracechurch.ca/2023/09/25/pitfalls-of-compromise-1-samuel-13/feed/ 0 In 1 Samuel 13 we see things coming apart for Saul as soon as his role as king gets started. With threats all around and an ill equipped army, Saul decides to act contrary to God's instruction to him through Samuel and as a result is warned that his th... In 1 Samuel 13 we see things coming apart for Saul as soon as his role as king gets started. With threats all around and an ill equipped army, Saul decides to act contrary to God's instruction to him through Samuel and as a result is warned that his throne will be removed! We too can learn from the pitfalls of Saul and see God's goodness despite his failure. Aaron Hale full false 53:43